Friday, June 22, 2012

The Return of Liquid Cheese

It's been over a year since New Mexico's first Jager band Liquid Cheese played together before members separated into parts of California, Arizona, and Colorado.  Well at long last they're ready to get back on road for a brief period and play the old haunts once again!  Check out their reverbnation show calendar for more details, I'll be taking video/audio of this upcoming tour so should have some stuff posted up on My YouTube Channel as the tour wraps up in Durango, CO.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Radio la Chusma California Tour 2012

El Paso’s own Radio la Chusma will be hitting the road again this year and travelling to California in support of their latest album RASTA MEXICA.  In addition to California they will be performing in Mexi Cali and Ensenada Mexico! Check out their list of shows visit their reverbnation page & facebook profile and tell your friends and familia and pick yourself up a copy of their new album if you are in the following cities!


Friday, June 15, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Southwest Reggae Bands on Tour

Hitting the road this summer are 2 stapes of the southwest reggae scene Radio La Chusma from El Paso, TX and Liquid Cheese from Las Cruces, NM will be spreading the border regions sounds through California, Texas and Northern New Mexico check out the links below and spread the word!


Friday, June 1, 2012

More Hub City Stompers Footage

Finishing off the footage I took from their show in El Paso May 24th at Lips Lounge

Hub City Stompers You're Music Sucks

Skinhead Boi

I've Gotta Boot

Ska Train to Dorksville